Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Audacious Quilting Revisionism

"In historiography, historical revisionism is the reinterpretation of orthodox views... surrounding a historical event."


"In the quilting arts, modernism is the reinterpretation of traditional design in the creation of a quilt."

This is the story of what should have been a traditional sampler.  About 14 years ago I started this project as part of an online block of the month.  I followed along, made all the blocks, and put them in a box... where they sat for about 10 years.

At a retreat about 4 years ago, I took them out and sashed them with Kaffe Fassett.  The jury is still out on whether that was a good idea.  I was in the process of leaving my second marriage so my mind was not entirely sound, is all I can offer by way of explanation.

The quilt went back into a box.

This week I took it out for the third and final time.... and this is what happened.

First thoughts... 
add the remaining border 
(more black and bright blocks if you can believe it)
or quilt it as it stands like this

But I have been told I can be audacious... a word I LOVE!
and this is one of those times,
I cut the quilt top diagonally in half !!!

Then I stripped the entire top into 6 1/2" strips...
because that was the size of the ruler I had in my hand

I considered piecing it with black,
until my sister pronounced that too 80s
(what is wrong with the 80s I ask you???)

white was the next option and I used a cotton sheet

I knew with all the bias edges I had thrown into the mix with my diagonal cuts, 
I needed to stabilize the top as much as possible.
By tearing the sheet I ensured a straight grain to calm the bias edges... so far the operation has been a success
Now to decide on the quilting...


  1. Love your spirit! I have about six quilts - well just in block form ready to be assembled from 15 -25 years ago - your share may just inspire at least one of them to come to life and be completed. Every time I take a peek I get close to thinking I have an idea then - put them back into the box. Thanks for sharing! Such fun audacity! Love your courage!

  2. It takes a lot of courage to cut up a quilt top. It is looking pretty interesting so far and I'm curious to see how it will turn out after it's quilted.

  3. what happened to the other half? ;o)

    1. Still have it... trying to work it into the backing :)
