Thursday, 9 July 2015

NMQG July Hexi Challenge !

July Hexi Challenge at the Niagara Modern Quilt Guild... this is how mine went down !

Our Guild is gently guiding us towards modern composition with the following list... not to be considered a score sheet except by those particularly competitive, such as the writer of this blog.

And I quote from our website:

A modern quilt could reflect the following:
Negative Space
Bold colours/prints
High Contrast
Alternate Grid

You be the Judge !!!

Hexis destined to remain forever in a ziploc bag... 
freed from their prison by this challenge !

To use green...

or purple?

trying too hard?

Add more purple... starting to let go... a bit

Pinned to my fence... spent a lot of time staring at this, sipping wine, staring, sipping...
I think my neighbours are used to me or don't bother wondering what I am doing now.

Hmmm... more inspiration.
Please disregard the nettles, I have given up my fight with them.

Then I decide to move the quilt closer to the lupins and lay in the grass to take photos...
I must make for an amusing if somewhat disturbing neighbour

And finally quilted... 
started with a free motion hexi pattern sort of...
then added repeating squares.
I can play on my own quilt whereas clients are a little less willing to let me imagine on their work!

my go to IKEA backing... 
and I managed to get the tension as close to perfect as possible...
variegated purple thread on top and a khaki bobbin.
I have a head lamp that I use when checking the back of the quilt on the longarm, no I am not kidding.

"appliqued" hexis right on the longarm with swirly stitching...

That is Ginger... of Ginger Quilts of course :)
Hope you enjoyed your pictorial journey into my creative mind !


  1. Fantastic journey Tania. Thanks for taking the time to show us how your mind worked during the process of designing your quilt. Good road to follow!

    1. Thanks Lorna :) The trick is not to get too carried away with the process and remember to stop and take pictures !

  2. Great hexi quilt! The new blog looks good, too.

    1. Thanks :) I will be moving the blog to my website eventually... I rely on my web designer for tech things like that. Hope the zucchinis are coming along!
